Veal Fillet with Vegetables in One Pot

Veal Fillet with Vegetables in One Pot
Juicy, tender, delicious and irresistible Veal Fillet "all in one"!
In recipes, like this one, with the general title «One Pan Recipe» (Pasta, Chicken etc.), the ingredients are put into the pot at the same time and cooked all together.
The delicious vegetables absorb all the flavor of the meat and give a special dish. This dish can be made with pork tenderloin fillets but also with a piece of veal. We make it often, especially in the winter months and enjoy it with great gusto. Its slightly concentrated sauce is unsurpassed thanks to the meat but also because of the vegetables that accompany it.
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Veal Fillet with Vegetables in One Pot

Book Release

With great pleasure we inform you that issued the New Book of Kitchen Stories titled «Μεζέδες». It includes a collection of 45 savory recipes for easy and practical everyday food solutions but also quick finger foods for festive table or buffet.

Excerpt from the introduction: «I often wonder what the culmination of cooking is. Are they the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors are the everyday or the rare? They are nothing. The peak of cooking is neither eating nor cooking, but offering food and companionship…»

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Ingredients (∼5 Servings)

  • 800g-1kg Tenderloin veal fillet
  • 1 large dry onion, chopped
  • 5-6 large whole potatoes
  • 3 carrots, thickly sliced
  • 1 ripe tomato, diced
  • 5-6 celery stalks, cut into 5-6cm lengths
  • 70g olive oil
  • 130g slightly concentrated tomato juice
  • salt, pepper, red sweet paprika
In the pressure cooker, pour the olive oil and let it heat up. Pat the fillets dry with kitchen paper and add them to the pot. Sauté the meat until golden brown, stirring frequently.
Towards the end, add the onion until translucent. Stir carefully.
Στη χύτρα ρίχνουμε και τα λαχανικά μας να λαδωθούν κι αυτά.
Add the slightly concentrated tomato juice and let the food boil.
Add hot water until it covers the vegetables well. Add the spices and close the cooker to boil for 20 minutes. When we open it, check if there is enough broth in the pot and the meat and vegetables have cooked and softened, otherwise close the cooker again for a little longer.
Veal Fillet with Vegetables in One Pot Veal Fillet with Vegetables in One Pot

Author Zambia G. Sifaki