Greek Giant Baked Beans

Baked Beans. Considered one of the tastiest dishes of Traditional Greek Cuisine. Simple yet so delicious and useful to our diet. It is lacking sodium but is a source of vegetable protein and soluble fiber, which help control cholesterol levels in the body. It also contains B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. All this makes them one of the most important foods in our diet.

work: 0:30'+1h:30'time: 1d:2h:00'easy: 4/10


  • 500g beans
  • 400g canned tomatoes, crushed
  • 2 fresh tomatoes, crushed in grater
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 100ml olive oil
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 whole carrots
  • salt, pepper & sweet paprika


  1. Soak the Giant Beans in fresh water and let it soak overnight The fresher they are, the whiter and more easily cooked.
  2. Next day, drain them and boil them in clean water, with the onions and carrots (whole, so we can remove them when the beans are cooked) . Use a pressure cooker to boil for 30' or so, until softened well, almost ready to be eaten. If you don't have a pressure cooker, a traditional pot will do - just make sure to extend the time. Keep the water for the next step.
  3. When they are ready we put them into a large baking pan with a little water from the previous stage, the olive oil, tomatoes, bay leaves, salt, pepper and sweet paprika. Stir with a spoon to mix the ingredients.
  4. Put the pan in the oven uncovered, to let the excess water evaporate* and brown the beans. Cook at 180°C for 60' or until well cooked.
* The giants beans are not a bean soup. No need to "swim" in the sauce! They should remain relatively dry. Accompany your Gigandes Plaki with delicious hot, fresh bread, feta cheese, olives and tzatziki, various pickles and whatever else you like. Eaten as a main dish, but also accompanying snack for drinking ouzo.