The pot roast is a delicious dish of Greek (and not only) cuisine. A piece of pork, usually boneless, meat braised with a few vegetables.
The slow cooking makes the meat more tender and tastier. The rich-tasting broth, which contains the aromas and ingredients of meat and vegetables gives us, at the end, a very tasty, orange-coloured, spicy sauce that will accompany this dish.
The slow cooking makes the meat more tender and tastier. The rich-tasting broth, which contains the aromas and ingredients of meat and vegetables gives us, at the end, a very tasty, orange-coloured, spicy sauce that will accompany this dish.
work: 30′ | time: 02h:00′ | medium: |

![]() Ingredients (6 servings)
![]() Place the meat onto a baking sheet. Drive in a sturdy knife in the center and along until it is almost cut through. Salt and pepper one large carrot and push it through the cut. Salt and pepper the meat. |
![]() Put the olive oil in a saucepan and when hot add the meat. Sauté thoroughly on all sides to golden brown and shield the meat juices inside. Be careful when turning. Do not pierce it with your fork. |
![]() After the meat is well sauté, add the carrots, tomatoes and garlic. Then add the juice of the lemon. If you cook in the pressure cooker, do not add water. Close the pressure cooker or pot and cook according to the size and type of meat. |
![]() When cooked, remove the meat to a platter, and mash the cooked vegetables.
Put the meat back with the vegetables in the pot. Dissolve the cornflour in a some water and mix with the vegetables. Boil for 2'-3' until the sauce thickens. If you want it thicker, add a little more cornflour with the same procedure. |
![]() Allow to cool, slice and serve accompanied with a side dish of your choice. Like grilled vegetables, rice, baked french fries etc. And of course the delicious sauce, which accompanies it. |