Honey Semifreddo

Honey Semifreddo
Soft ice cream/ mousse which does not freeze completely, even if you leave it in the freezer, no need to stir every so often, does not make crystal flakes and can be easily cut into slices to be served.
This is made ​​with egg yolks, with honey, and sprinkled with roasted pine nuts.
Delicious, dessert with the strong aroma and flavor of honey. Refreshing, silky and fluffy.
εργασία: 30′ χρόνος: 12h:30′ εύκολο:
Honey Semifreddo

Ingredients (8 servings)

  • 4 egg yolks + 1 egg
  • 80g/ 2.8oz honey + 3 tbsp for serving
  • 300g/ 10.6oz sour cream
  • 30g/ 1.1oz pine nuts, roasted
Cover an oblong mold with transparent film and leave it aside until you prepare the remaining ingredients.
Beat the cream until it thickens to a stiff whipped cream. Leave in the fridge for a while.
Simmer some water in a saucepan and put a bowl floating on the water (bain marie).
In the bowl add the egg yolks, whole egg and the honey.
Beat the ingredients well with a hand mixer…
… until the mixture turns white, rises and gets a thick texture.
Take the whipped cream from the refrigerator and stir gently with the yolk mix.
Pour the mixture into the mold, cover with a transparent film and put in the freezer to stay overnight.
To serve, overturn the semifreddo on serving plate, remove the transparent film, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and sprinkle with roasted pine nuts.
Serve and enjoy! Honey Semifreddo

Zambia Sifaki