Snails with Swiss Chard

Snails with Swiss Chard
Cretan snails with chard, aromatic herbs, such as fennel, Mediterranean hartwort, chervils (French parsley) and fresh tomatoes in a delicious casserole dish. Sure for traditional cuisine such a dish is worth testing by lovers of snails.
A particular food consumed since ancient times.
Try it!

work: 2h:00′ time: 2h:30′ medium:

Snails with Swiss Chard Snails with Swiss Chard

Ingredients (6 servings)

  • 700 gr (1.5 lbs) snails
  • 700 gr (1.5 lbs) chard
  • ½ bunch fennel
  • ½ bunch hartwort
  • ½ bunch chervils
  • 1 leek
  • 2 clove garlic
  • 1 onion, large
  • 1 potato, large
  • 1 ripe tomato, large
  • 80 gr (2.8 oz) olive oil
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • salt & pepper
Wet the snails for 10' to move, to see who is alive and to soften the membrane covering their mouth. Wash them thoroughly and with a knife clean the shell. Wash the again with plenty of water and finally heat in salted water for 10'.
Empty the boiling water in the sink and pour cold water to cool, and wash again several times until it is completely clean. Put them in a bowl to drain.
Place the saucepan over medium heat and add the oil, the chopped onion, the leek in rings and chopped garlic.
Let them saute well and the onion to get golden.
Wash and drain the aromatic herbs. Chop coarsely and add to the pot over the sauteed onion. Stir to wilt slightly.
Wash the chard and cut the stalks into pieces 2-3 cm. Add them to the pot. Mix and let them saute for 2'-3'.
Add and leaves of chard (white beet) cut into two pieces, if they are large and above the chard add the chopped tomato.
Add 200 grams of warm water, stir well and when it starts to boil food…
… add potatoes cut into chunks. Stir and add salt and pepper. Cover the pot and let it boil for 15'.
Uncover and add the snails. Stir and boil all together another 10'. Transfer the pan from the heat, with enough of the food broth. Do not let it dry.
Taste and correct.
Snails with Swiss Chard Snails with Swiss Chard Snails with Swiss Chard
If desired, sprinkle the food with a spoonful of raw olive oil to serve.
To reduce the total time of food, we can do the cleaning preparation and washing of components from the prior day.

Author Zambia G. Sifaki