Dough for Pies & Pie-Pocket-DIY

Dough for Pies & Pie-Pocket
The phyllo opening in the house for pies and small pies is a time consuming process, few deal with it. The result, however, of our efforts is always better than anything you can buy for several reasons.
It's up to you!
work: 1h:00′ time: 2h:00′ medium:

Semolina & Yogurt Cake

Semolina and Yogurt Cake
The Semolina and Yogurt Cake is a dessert with dominant component the pure sheep's yoghurt, the one with the crust on top, which gives it a distinctive flavor. The coarse semolina, used for the preparation of, makes it fluffy and gives it a grainy texture. The ingredients are what remind us similar desserts like Ravani or Samali.
It is tasty and aromatic with a light syrupy texture without being flooded in the syrup. You can combine it with ice cream.

work: 20′ time: 1h:00′ easy:

Asparagus and Smoked Bacon Quiche

Asparagus and Smoked Bacon Quiche
Asparagus in savory tart inside and out, with sour cream, eggs, cheese & smoked bacon in an interesting flavor combination for a complete meal. All placed on thin and crispy golden brown crust.
Combined with a fresh cool rocket salad -French lettuce- and radicchio, this wonderful red and spicy Italian vegetable. Drizzled with white balsamic vinegar and olive oil drops.
work: 15′ time: 45′ easy:


Fine, silky, oriental dessert, the "Mahallebi of Water". A wonderful orange cream, cream almost an innocent child, in bold tones of essential aromas of citrus and very refreshing taste, as is done with water! Water enters instead of milk, which is another version of the dessert.
Light and tasty all-weather and mood dessert. Lighter and scented to accompanya a vibrant festive meal. The roasted almonds are the "must" addition which will donate the significant tasty "difference in thread" of aftertaste.

work: 20′ time: 3h:20′ easy:

Peppers in the Pan with Capers

Peppers in the Pan with Capers
So aromatic, so tasty and with minimal effort, a perfect taste!
Colored peppers, lots of garlic, olives, capers, coriander, cardamom and natural vinegar. Strong vinegar good wine that will give the final "touch" the takeoff of their flavor. That's all! Following? After the spread to fresh bread and our glasses full of ouzo and enjoy a super appetizer.

The recipe

Peppers in the Pan with Capers

can be found in the book «Μεζέδες».

work: 20′ time: 45′ easy:

Roast Lamb with Rosemary

Roast Lamb with Rosemary
A pan with roast lamb, flavored with garlic and rosemary along with delicious golden fries, few can bypass. We a family "party" appropriately whenever the opportunity and definitely it is the meat most frequently to our table.
At Easter, where the lamb on the spit is a tribute, we put it in the oven.
If a scentsy, thanks to Rosemary, roast lamb seduces you as an idea, adopt the proposal and you will not miss it.

work: 45′ time: 3h:45′ medium:

No Knead Greek Easter Brioche-Tsoureki

No Knead Greek Easter Brioche-Tsoureki
Easter buns without kneading with easy and simple process of "sleep bread" of Focaccia. The waiting time to activate the yeast is higher, but it all happens during the night, with the dough in the fridge "sleeping", and only the next morning you make in braids or buns put small stick forms. This fermentation process has the effect of improving and enhancing the taste.
The addition of spices makes them particularly fragrant and delicious. And the honey makes them mildly sweet, fluffy and very soft.
If you like the idea, the process will delight you, as the result too.
work: 30′ time: 12h:00′ easy:

Cretan Cheese (Tyromalama) Pies

Cretan Cheese Pies
Traditional Cheese Pies made in Crete with tyromalama & anthotyro (local Cretan cheeses).
Those outside Crete, and those who are not accustomed to the Traditional Cuisine, will see it as another «pie» quite complex. The others, who have strong references and relationship with Crete, definitely in sight will moved remembering some Easter childhood or adult life inextricably linked to the traditional customs and culinary habits of their homeland.
The pies here in the salty version, made with phyllo sheet, which opened in the machine and cut into uniform discs were then filled with cheese, dusted with sesame and of course in the oven revealed their taste and their wonderful rustic form, which refers to the lamps, which once used to illuminate.

work: 1h:30′ time: 3h:30′ difficult: