Pumpkin Spice Cake

Pumpkin Spice Cake
Based on pumpkin puree and aromatic spices create a very aromatic, very fluffy and healthy cake with stevia.
Adding pumpkin puree keeps the cake juicy and compact, fluffy and stable without falling down crumb. The crumbs that we see in some photos is because it was hot even when cut, not left to cool well to be stabilized.
work: 30′ time: 1h:00′ easy:

Simple Gruyère Cheese Quiche

Simple Gruyère Cheese Quiche
My favorite cheese cake is so simple and without crust without infinite combinations of ingredients that could be put in the cream. It is a naked pie, made with only the Swiss Gruyère cheese. We can compare it to its counterpart, the Greek Gruyère but definitely of different taste.
Therefore three ingredienents, gruyère cheese, eggs and sour cream in a bowl without mixer and have quickly a simple delicious dish at our table. And like any simple tastes so and this dish garnished with a light, fresh, green salad and tomatoes from our jar.
work: 10′ time: 40′ very easy:

Meatballs in Red Wine Sauce

Meatballs in Red Wine Sauce
Meatballs in Red Wine Sauce Meatballs favorite! Red wine sauce, beautiful aromas, divine taste, and various combinations. I think we need in today's introduction to confine to fewer descriptions and let you decide what description fits better and if you will make it and enjoy it!

work: 1h:00′ time: 2h:00′ easy:

Bergamot Spoon Sweet

Bergamot Spoon Sweet
The interior of the Bergamot fruit is not eaten raw but made spoon-sweet and marmalade. The peel can be made a spoon sweet from the finest and aromatic sweets. The aroma of Bergamot is unique and intense and is used in a huge variety of teas, with the most famous being the tea «Earl Grey». Its essential oils are used in perfumery and cosmetics.
The sweets are easy to prepare, but time consuming. So what we need for this sweet is patience, time and … sugar.
The success of this sweet lies in beautiful coasting, its transparency and the brightness that make it attractive. Pick the most fragrant bergamot in the market, follow the process step by step and you will have a wonderful aromatic spoon sweet luxury, closed in your most transparent jar!

work: 2h:00′ time: 3 days medium:

Pork Tenderloin with Mushroom Sauce

Pork Tenderloin with Mushroom Sauce
Pork Tenderloin or Filet mignon in French, that this way characterize almost always pork fillet.
A delicious, juicy and soft piece of meat, fried over high heat for a short while in order to protect itself and to keep all the juicy tastiness. Here combined with sagnarelli pasta, soaked by a porcini mushroom sauce in melted cheese & yoghurt.
work: 10′ time: 30′ easy:

Chickpea Stew with Oven-Dried Tomatoes

Chickpea Stew with Oven-Dried Tomatoes
Chickpea with a tomato sauce, delicious chickpeas, low cost chickpeas as daily cooking solution.
The roasted, dried tomatoes in the oven add to this different chickpea stew an amazing depth of flavor. Even if the chickpeas are not your beloved beans, I suggest you try them cooked this way. I bet you will be surprised and will definitely taste a delicious and hearty dish.
work: 10′ time: 1h:10′ easy:

Leftover Cake Trifle

Leftover Cake Trifle
Trifles, these beautiful desserts, served in transparent glasses, with alternating layers of different ingredients & flavors, are the most sophisticated way to utilize a leftover Cake or the rest of an Easter Brioche, which simply ran out, was not consumed and we don't want to throw away. Besides trifles we can utilize, making small chocolate truffles and a coating-camouflage to show us renewed as a new dessert at all insignificant.
A slightly wet cake or Easter Tsoureki or Cookies are ideal to absorb moisture and flavors from other ingredients which it is paired. With a pastry cream, whipped cream and our favorite sweets create a delicious dessert!
work: 30′ time: 1h:30′ easy:

Green Pizza with Pesto Genovese

Green Pizza with Pesto Genovese
Green Pizza with broccoli, artichokes, cheese and Pesto alla Genovese. Classic sauce/ spread that goes with pasta and this is the favorite sauce for a lot. Fresh basil leaves slightly blanched to remain green, pure olive oil, parmesan and pine nuts is the secret combination of the sauce, Italian Kitchen trademark. Here we put it as the base to this very tasty pizza.
work: 20′ time: 50′ very easy:

Slow Cooker Gigantes Beans

Slow Cooker Gigantes Beans
Slow cooking is an ideal method of cooking and this is possible by a Slow Cooking machine. Beyond any positive elements, such as energy savings, convenience for a delicious meal, etc., we have more personal time free to utilize in wherever else we want.
Put all the ingredients of the food in the pot and forget it for 6-8 hours depending on the temperature you choose. It is a convenient solution to put the food to be cooked all night (or all morning) and the next day we ready for serving hot food.
Cook my Slow Cooker Giant Beans, whom I had not previously soaked! I admit that the result was a pleasant and delicious surprise.
Try them!
work: 10′ time: 7h:00′ very easy:

Vin D'Orange-DIY

Orange Wine-DIY
Vin D'Orange, or Orange Wine is a delicious, very aromatic and perfectly balanced spirit drink. The aromas of spices and the freshness of citrus blend with the vividness of wine, create an excellent drink with delicious tension.
The slightly bitter & hypoxic flavors of some fruits balance with the sweet notes of others, but also with that of sugar and of vermouth. The palate detects, through a total of tastes, one by one the perfume ingredients. The tartness of the bitter orange, the flavor of vanilla and cinnamon, the intensity of alcohol and the light tones of sweetness…

work: 20′ time: 2 weeks very easy:

Soft Rolls

Soft Rolls
So soft, tender and easy!
They have a mild sweetness and flavor to go for all kinds bready pleasures:
Warm-hot to accompany our leisurely breakfast, spread with butter, praline, honey or jam, and reasonably firm, so as not to break down from the knife. They become accompanying bread for our meal, so we can make wonderful dips in our favorite sauce. In small balls the are made savory-looking sandwich for our festive party, for kids and not only, and certainly they become delicious buns for burgers. In short enjoy as daily bread and make your day.

work: 20′ time: 40′ very easy:

Pizza Monkey Bread

Pizza Monkey Bread
Bread with pizza taste! Beautiful red-gold cheese bread morsels dipped in our favorite sauce.
After the pizza all I can think of so delicious and simple is this bread, with very easy process since the ready dough created to solve our hands and give us such delights. We put the ingredients we like, mold the dough into balls, and all bake in the oven to get delicious bread.
It will definitely become our favorite snack for Sunday's lazy cooking.

work: 20′ time: 1h:00′ very easy: