Taramasalata with Bread

Taramasalata with Bread
For a very soft mixture of taramasalata a tasty and fluffy as a mousse is the frequent testing during the preparation and the addition of lemon and oil in a very thin stream. Its ingredients are simple and what counts is the good quality of the tarama, without colorings and the very good beating in the food processor.

work: 30′ time: 30′ very easy:

Taramasalata with Bread

Ingredients (2 medium sized bowls)

  • 140g (4.9 oz) fish roe (taramás)
  • 2 lemon juice & zest of one
  • 100g (3.5 oz) olive oil
  • 100g (3.5 oz) corn oil
  • 1 onion
  • pepper
  • 500g (1.1 lbs) stale bread
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
Soak the bread in plenty of water with 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Drain it and squeeze well between your hands.
In the mixer bowl, add the roe, the onion cut in four and a bit of bread. The rest you will add gradually as you beat the mixture.
In the bin of blender, through the special opening, add a little bit of lemon juice…
… and the mixture of the oil in a very thin stream.
Gradually add bread so as to no longer be a salty mixture and come to your taste. Add the pepper and zest of lemon. Taste.
Serve in bowl and put the fish roe salad for a while in the fridge. Garnish with olives, pickled peppers and lemon slices.
Taramasalata with Bread Taramasalata with Bread

Author Zambia G. Sifaki

Taramasalata with Bread