Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney

Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney
Chutney or Chatni is a sauce/spicy jam from Kitchens of India, which can vary… One offshoot has rooted in Anglo-Indian cuisine to gain even as many variations and adapt to another flavor culture.
It is usually with vegetables and fruits, such as onion, garlic, rhubarb, apples, peaches, orange, plum, etc. with which one can make a milder pickle. Add vinegar or apple cider vinegar in recipes of Chutney English style, aimed traditionally give long life, so as to maintain for use throughout the year. Brown or dark sugar (usually Demerara to replace the jaggery in some Indian sweet chutney) and spices, which are usually used, fenugreek, coriander, cumin, cinnamon.
The whole produces a sweet and spicy pickle, with sweet and fruity flavors, with a strong presence of ginger, but a softer product, which in Western Kitchen is built to accompany savory dishes. Usually eaten with Cheddar cheeses or cured meats and poultry, usually in cold meals a pub.

εργασία: 15′ χρόνος: 30′ πολύ εύκολο:

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Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney

Announcement New Book Release

With great pleasure we inform you that issued the New Book of Kitchen Stories titled «Μεζέδες». It includes a collection of 45 savory recipes for easy and practical everyday food solutions but also quick finger foods for festive table or buffet.

Excerpt from the introduction:
«Αναρωτιέμαι συχνά που είναι το απόγειο της μαγειρικής. Είναι τα πιο φρέσκα υλικά, οι πιο πολύπλοκες γεύσεις είναι το καθημερινό ή το σπάνιο; Δεν είναι τίποτε απ΄όλα αυτά. Το απόγειο δεν είναι ούτε η κατανάλωση του φαγητού ούτε το μαγείρεμα, αλλά η προσφορά του φαγητού και η συντροφικότητα…»

Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.

Ingredients (1 jar medium ~500g- 1.1 lbs)

  • 400g (14.1 oz) vanilla plums
  • 2 apples Granny Smith
  • 200g (7.1 oz) apple cider
  • 200g (7.1 oz) sugar, brown
  • 60g (2.1 oz) raisins
  • 60g (2.1 oz) fresh ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp spicy mustard
  • 1 tsp flakes of chili paprika
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp ground cloves
Wash, dry and clean fruit. Cut into bite-size. Peel the garlic and ginger and cut into thin round slices.
In a large deep frying pan, and on a low heat, put the fruits and flavorings chopped.
Add the raisins, cinnamon, paprika flakes, salt, cloves powder, mustard and brown sugar.
Mix in the apple cider vinegar.
Half cover the pan and let the ingredients simmer with their juices, stirring occasionally.
After a while they begin to change color and take on a reddish brown tint because of prunes.
Stir occasionally and carefully until almost all juices of chutney reduced, about 15'-20'. Remove from the heat and let cool the contents of the pan.
Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney
Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 2 weeks. Served cold, warm or at room temperature.
Enjoy this beautiful Chutney, something between jam & sauce, with grilled meats, roasts or chops on a plateau of cheese and sausages. It is also delicious in a toast cheese-ham-chicken etc.
Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney Sweet & Spicy Apple Chutney

Author Zambia G. Sifaki