The 2017 I want to be lucky, be sweet like candy, be bright and colorful to making our mood and bring into our lives the best and most important of what we want. Furthermore a pie for Santa Claus to contain all or wish to contain with lots of icing for hope, sweet optimism raisins, blanched for health almonds, candied Orange Peels for prosperity, soft butter for tenderness and love, and of course, colorful bonbons for happiness!
※※※※※Happy New Year 2017!※※※※※
work: 30′ | time: 3h:30′ | medium: |
*Click with your mouse on the images to learn more.

Announcement New Book Release

Excerpt from the introduction:
«Αναρωτιέμαι συχνά που είναι το απόγειο της μαγειρικής. Είναι τα πιο φρέσκα υλικά, οι πιο πολύπλοκες γεύσεις είναι το καθημερινό ή το σπάνιο; Δεν είναι τίποτε απ΄όλα αυτά. Το απόγειο δεν είναι ούτε η κατανάλωση του φαγητού ούτε το μαγείρεμα, αλλά η προσφορά του φαγητού και η συντροφικότητα…»
Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.
![]() Ingredients (~12 bread sticks)
| ![]() In the drum of a fixed mixer, add the flour, butter cut into pieces, yeast, icing sugar, milk, eggs and orange zest and beat for 8'-10'. | ![]() We use the hook for yeasts to beat the mixture of the pie. Gradually add the syrup, it will facilitate the beating. |
![]() Cease operation of the mixer and add the dried fruit and nuts. | ![]() Stir with wooden spoon. | ![]() Grease a deep and round form with Ø22cm-24cm (Ø8.7-9.4in) and invest with greaseproof paper, which goes beyond the edge of the form in 5cm-6cm (2in-2.4in). Grease the wax paper. Wrap a coin with foil and place it in the base of the form thus not risking for someone to bite it or to swallow it. |
![]() Pour into the form the mixture of pie. Flatten with the spatula surface. Cover with a towel and leave it somewhere warm for ~1h:30' or until it swells. | ![]() When it swells (While the dough is proofing) you brush it with a beaten egg and scribe with a sharp knife a cross. Sprinkle with sugar pearls or almond net. | ![]() Bake in preheated oven at 170℃ (338℉, Gas:3.5) with resistance up and down ~1h:30' or until it is ready. Dip in the center of a stick-straw comes out dry. Remove from the oven and rest it on a base wire to cool. After 10 minutes remove the form and the paper to cool down completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and we write the year with jelly bean. |

Dried fruits and nuts, which are proposed in the recipe if you want put them, they are not necessary or use whatever you like to. Your own choice.
In the Kitchen Stories file, there are many recipes savory and sweet flavors for the Christmas Holidays for those who want to prepare their festive list.
If you want to find them all assembled, go to page Recipes (top left of the site) and select the ones that interest you.
If you want to find them all assembled, go to page Recipes (top left of the site) and select the ones that interest you.
Zambia Sifaki