Cabanossi, this excellent dried sausage, thin and elongated, similar to mild salami and with smoky aftertaste is favorite to all Southern & Eastern Europe from the Adriatic to the Baltic countries. Usually made with chopped pork and smoked meat and sometimes with the addition of a little beef. In Central Europe the Cabanossi, mostly, are consumed as snacks.
This cheese pie is made in the cake tin and gets a round pretty shape. The crust sheets are folded like a fan and close within them a dry mixture of cheese, semolina etc. When sliced becomes obscured the presence of the crust.
Guaranteed without exaggeration is perhaps one of the most delicious and impressive cheese pies, which we have proposed here from the Kitchen Stories. Keep the proportions of the ingredients and how to prepare and include it in your menu. You will not regret it. Deservedly stands in a festive menu, as it is perfectly cut and eaten even at room temperature.
This cheese pie is made in the cake tin and gets a round pretty shape. The crust sheets are folded like a fan and close within them a dry mixture of cheese, semolina etc. When sliced becomes obscured the presence of the crust.
Guaranteed without exaggeration is perhaps one of the most delicious and impressive cheese pies, which we have proposed here from the Kitchen Stories. Keep the proportions of the ingredients and how to prepare and include it in your menu. You will not regret it. Deservedly stands in a festive menu, as it is perfectly cut and eaten even at room temperature.
work: 20′ | time: 1h:00′ | easy: |
Announcement New Book Release

Excerpt from the introduction:
«Αναρωτιέμαι συχνά που είναι το απόγειο της μαγειρικής. Είναι τα πιο φρέσκα υλικά, οι πιο πολύπλοκες γεύσεις είναι το καθημερινό ή το σπάνιο; Δεν είναι τίποτε απ΄όλα αυτά. Το απόγειο δεν είναι ούτε η κατανάλωση του φαγητού ούτε το μαγείρεμα, αλλά η προσφορά του φαγητού και η συντροφικότητα…»
Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.
![]() Solid Ingredients (~12 servings)
Liquid Ingredients
![]() Crumble the feta cheese with a fork and pour into bowl. Cut the Cabanossi into small pieces and add to the bowl with the feta. Mix in the grated cheese. |
![]() Wash, remove the seeds and stalks from peppers and cut into small diced. Combine the baking powder with the meal and put them all in a bowl. Mix well to combine the ingredients. This will be the filling of cheese pie. |
![]() Take one by one the phyllo and spread it onto the bench (without buttering) and sprinkle the top with 2-3 tablespoons of dry filling. About a little mixture on each sheet. With our two hands right and left picking up the sheet, on the shorter side, like a fan. |
![]() You place -without pressure- at the base of a large cake tin, well buttered. You continue in the same way, placing each sheet / fan above the foregoing, one on one side and one on the other on the circle form to finish sheets and filling. |
![]() In the same bowl that you had the stuffing, break the eggs and add the milk, soda / soft drink and oil. Whisk gently to mix. |
![]() With deep spoon carefully pour the liquid mixture over the leaves into the cake tin. |
![]() Perhaps the liquid mixture is shown too much, but will be absorbed by the leaves. |
![]() Place the cheese pie to get cooked in a preheated oven at 190℃ (374℉, Gas Mark 5) for 40'-45', or as needed. When it gets gold and blonde color and detach the leaves from the sides of the form is ready. Taste and with a stick / skewer comes out dry. |

Author Zambia G. Sifaki