Research has conclusively informed us about the protective effect of broccoli and its nutritional value, which places it in a high position with respect to the beneficial contribution to human body.
Wherever we look we will find countless references to how good does that have to integrate in our diet, as it contains very few calories that make it ideal for various types of diets. This vegetable consists of several sections and provides a variety of flavors. One of the main features is the strong smell that emerges when cooked.
The Tart with Broccoli & Feta cheese that «Kitchen Stories» today proposes is delicious, hearty, and may replace a main course.
Wherever we look we will find countless references to how good does that have to integrate in our diet, as it contains very few calories that make it ideal for various types of diets. This vegetable consists of several sections and provides a variety of flavors. One of the main features is the strong smell that emerges when cooked.
The Tart with Broccoli & Feta cheese that «Kitchen Stories» today proposes is delicious, hearty, and may replace a main course.
work: 20′ | time: 50′ | easy: |