These cute cheese pies, with beautiful yoghurt dough, are done as easily as we can not imagine. The process is time-consuming but straightforward thanks to the yoghurt dough, which gives us supple, velvety, trouble-free management and good results dough.
These pies are great, even with various or different stuffings οn the table, buffet and healthy snacks at school and at work because even cold is still irresistible, delicious, crisp and very special. I usually almost always add turmeric to the stuffing, whatever it is. Add it to your diet, it's worth it!
These pies are great, even with various or different stuffings οn the table, buffet and healthy snacks at school and at work because even cold is still irresistible, delicious, crisp and very special. I usually almost always add turmeric to the stuffing, whatever it is. Add it to your diet, it's worth it!
work: 1h:30′ | time: 3h:45′ | medium: |
★Click with your mouse on the images to learn more.

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Excerpt from the introduction:
«Αναρωτιέμαι συχνά που είναι το απόγειο της μαγειρικής. Είναι τα πιο φρέσκα υλικά, οι πιο πολύπλοκες γεύσεις είναι το καθημερινό ή το σπάνιο; Δεν είναι τίποτε απ΄όλα αυτά. Το απόγειο δεν είναι ούτε η κατανάλωση του φαγητού ούτε το μαγείρεμα, αλλά η προσφορά του φαγητού και η συντροφικότητα…»
Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.
![]() Dough Ingredients (~35 Patties)
![]() In large bowl pour the dough ingredients except corn flour, which will open up the sheets of dough and flour 50g (1.8oz), which will keep for the end of mixing if needed. Mix the ingredients and begin to knead until you have a soft and pliable dough that will not stick to hands. If necessary add a little flour to the kneading. |
![]() As soon as our dough is ready, we form a roller and wrap it with a transparent film. Put the dough in the refrigerator for about 45′. In the meantime prepare the filling of the patties. |
![]() Ingredients (~35 Mini Pies)
![]() Cut the sausage any other cold cuts into small pieces. Crush the cottage cheese and feta cheese with a fork. Grate the mozzarella in coarse grater. Put them all in a wide bowl and sprinkle them with semolina and pepper. |
![]() Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave it aside for when you need it. |
![]() We take the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle the workbench with corn flour and cut the dough into 3 pieces. |
![]() Take one of these and open the roller with a sheet of 3-4 mm thick. With a Ø10cm dough cutter, cut pastry discs. Repeat until our dough ends.
![]() On each dough discs place a small amount of filling. |
![]() We close with half the cycle to cover the filling well. Using a fork, press the dough around to tightly close each pattie. Gather them side by side on top of a surface, sprinkled with corn flour… |
![]() … or place them directly on a non-stick paper pan. Brush with the egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds. |
![]() Bake in a preheated oven, with upside down resistors, at 180℃ (356℉, Gas Mark:4.2) for 30′ or until they are well grounded up and down. |

Author Zambia G. Sifaki