It's been already 14 years since it was published here for the first time this boiled cake or casserole cake, as is often said. It saw the light under the title: "Chocolate Cake, Juicy" and excited those who they enjoyed the 1st book of the Kitchen Stories «Desserts».
Today we suggest another similar version of the same cake, reinforced with some modifications/improvements through the experience and knowledge of so many years, with the addition of strong coffee in its highly chocolate syrup from the presence of cocoa and roasted hazelnut in serving, which is so perfectly combined with chocolate. It became an incredibly fluffy & juicy chocolate cake -a foam cake- perfectly soaked with cocoa syrup, similar to the previous you so loved!
Follow the detailed steps of preparing it and discover the little secrets that distinguish it from the package of similar proposals.
Today we suggest another similar version of the same cake, reinforced with some modifications/improvements through the experience and knowledge of so many years, with the addition of strong coffee in its highly chocolate syrup from the presence of cocoa and roasted hazelnut in serving, which is so perfectly combined with chocolate. It became an incredibly fluffy & juicy chocolate cake -a foam cake- perfectly soaked with cocoa syrup, similar to the previous you so loved!
Follow the detailed steps of preparing it and discover the little secrets that distinguish it from the package of similar proposals.
work: 30′ | time: 1h:10′ | easy: |
★Click with your mouse on the images to learn more.

Announcement New Book Release

Excerpt from the introduction:
«I often wonder what the culmination of cooking is. Are they the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors are the everyday or the rare? They are nothing. The peak of cooking is neither eating nor cooking, but offering food and companionship…»
Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.
![]() Ingredients (9 pieces)
![]() Place a small pot on a low heat and put butter, water, sugar, cocoa, cloves and Nescafé to melt and homogenize in syrup. Boil always on very low heat and stir continuously for 6'-8 '. Remove the pot from the fire and let the cocoa syrup become lukewarm or transfer it to another glass utensil for a quicker process. |
![]() From the mix of the pot, divide and hold 400g (14.1oz), ~2 glasses. Let them cool down, you'll need them later. |
![]() At the same time, in a bowl, sift the flour together with the baking powder and divide the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites in meringue with the salt. |
![]() In the meringue, add the yolks and gently add them to the beaten egg whites. |
![]() In the lukewarm mixture of the syrup, alternately pour the flour and meringue in three portions, gently stirring from bottom to top, not to sit down and to remain fluffy the dough of the cake. |
![]() Empty the dough in buttered (and floured form if it is not silicone), with dimensions 20×20×7cm (7.9×7.9×2.8 in). Bake in preheated oven to the resistances up and down at 170℃ (338℉, Gas Mark:3.5) for 35′-40′. Try with a toothpick to come out clean. |
![]() Remove the cake from the oven, cut it into square pieces carefully because it is very hot. |
![]() Syrup with the syrup that you held aside. Let cool completely and if you want put it in the refrigerator for a while to tighten and cut it better. Served with ice cream, sprinkled with roasted hazelnut. |