Spiral Focaccia, this very delicious Italian bread does not stop surprising us with its shapes, textures and flavors. Here it is stuffed with a spicy red sauce and adorned with juicy and tasty cherry olives and tomatoes, which end up on the Fokacha Strip.
Really beautiful, crisp exterior but with soft bread crumbs spicy stuffing.
An irresistible appetizer of flavor. This Fokacha is a really perfect recipe.
A tribute to Italy and to all the people who live there. And of course to everyone in all the rest of the world to stay safe, to stay at home!
Really beautiful, crisp exterior but with soft bread crumbs spicy stuffing.
An irresistible appetizer of flavor. This Fokacha is a really perfect recipe.
A tribute to Italy and to all the people who live there. And of course to everyone in all the rest of the world to stay safe, to stay at home!
work: 1h:30′ | time: 12h:00′ | medium: |