Juicy and particularly fluffy, slightly sweet, with intense flavors of lemon and yogurt. The sour cherry spoon sweet came into the cake but also adorned it externally, placing it around the top like a crown of precious gems.
If traditional Greek spoon sweets are so popular that your cabinets and kitchen cabinets overflow, it's time to put them in cakes or other sweet treats so you can enjoy them in another dimension - in the role of a coworker rather than a protagonist - and at the same time create room in the cellar for your next sweet or savory creations in beautiful jars…
If traditional Greek spoon sweets are so popular that your cabinets and kitchen cabinets overflow, it's time to put them in cakes or other sweet treats so you can enjoy them in another dimension - in the role of a coworker rather than a protagonist - and at the same time create room in the cellar for your next sweet or savory creations in beautiful jars…
work: 15′ | time: 1h:10′ | very easy: |

Announcement New Book Release

Excerpt from the introduction: «I often wonder what the culmination of cooking is. Are they the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors are the everyday or the rare? They are nothing. Highschooling is neither eating nor cooking, but offering food and companionship…»
Email Contact & orders: kitchenstories08@gmail.com or order online at amazon.
![]() Ingredients (~10 cake slices)
| ![]() In a large bowl or in a mixer bowl, place the sugar, yogurt, eggs, lemon juice and zest. | ![]() Beat well to create a uniform mixture. Add the oil little by little in a slow flow, as a thread, until incorporated. In the flour bowl, add the baking powder, soda, salt and sift together. |
![]() In the beaten mix, add flour in three portions, mixing with a spatula to incorporate. Pour about half the sour cream into the bucket and the other half into the ovenproof pan. | ![]() Pour the beaten mixture into the baking sheet and flatten the surface with a spatula to make it flat. | ![]() Bake in preheated oven with air at 170℃ (338℉, Gas Mark:3.5) for ~50'. We try with a toothpick in the center to come out clean. Take the cake out of the oven and allow it to cool for 10' και on the grill and unload it, turning it over to cool completely. Optionally sprinkle it with a ♠lemon glaze. |

♠ Lemon glaze
- 150g powdered sugar
- 3-4 tbsp lemon juice
- some water
♣ If necessary pour some water and check the density and fluidity of the glaze, to do as we please.
♣ With this icing we glaze the surface of the cake.
Author Zambia G. Sifaki