Healthy Banana Pancakes

Healthy Banana Pancakes
What is so special about this recipe? Well, let's start with the pancakes. They are extremely soft, light, healthy & fluffy like soft pillows! Roasted & crushed hazelnuts add a wonderful, crispy texture and the unique aroma of roasted nuts. The layers of caramelized bananas in maple syrup and brown sugar in the intermediate layers of the «tower», sometimes a little sloping to look like that of Tower of Pisa, add even more delicious, sweet and sticky flavors to these Pancakes. You just have to try them on to know what I'm talking about!
From above we decorate with whatever we like. If they are spring pancakes, we put antioxidant fruits of the forest, such as strawberries, raspberries & blueberries, which are among the superfoods, almond slivers & plenty of maple syrup.
Make a lot and fill, with these healthy Pancakes, children's dishes with all the above and they will be amazing…
work: 20′ time: 40′ easy:
Click with your mouse on the pictures to learn more.

Caramelised Banana and Hazelnut Pancakes Healthy Banana Pancakes

Announcement New Book Release

With great pleasure we inform you that issued the New Book of Kitchen Stories titled «Μεζέδες». It includes a collection of 45 savory recipes for easy and practical everyday food solutions but also quick finger foods for festive table or buffet.
Excerpt from the introduction: «I often wonder what the culmination of cooking is. Are they the freshest ingredients, the most complex flavors are the everyday or the rare? They are nothing. Highschooling is neither eating nor cooking, but offering food and companionship…»

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Ingredients (~10 Pancakes)

  • 200g self-rising flour
  • ½ tsp soda
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 130g milk
  • 80g yogurt
  • 70g maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp olive-oil
  • 50g roasted hazelnuts
  • almond slivers for decoration

Ingredients (Caramelized Bananas)

  • 2 bananas, not very ripe
  • 4 tsp brown sugar
  • 4 tsp maple syrup
Put the brown sugar and maple syrup in a small saucepan over low heat. When the sugar has melted, add the sliced bananas. We do not mix. Shake the pot circularly from the handles and remove from the heat. If necessary, add a little maple syrup.
In a medium bowl, pour the milk, yogurt, olive oil and maple syrup. Add a little flour in which we have thrown the baking powder and soda. Mix with a fork.
Crush the hazelnuts in the mortar, keeping a few whole ones aside for garnish at the end. Pour the crumbs into the bowl with the porridge. Stir. The porridge should be thick but flowing. If necessary, add milk.
In a small pan put a little olive oil or butter and 2 tablespoons of the porridge. Bake for 2' on one side and turn the pancakes on the other side, with a spatula. Repeat until the porridge is finished. Serve with the caramelized bananas in between and garnish with forest fruits.
Caramelised Banana and Hazelnut Pancakes Healthy Banana Pancakes Caramelised Banana and Hazelnut Pancakes

Author Zambia G. Sifaki